Meet Noel Kerns and his fellow night photographer, Rob Fuel, for wine and cheese at The Turtle Enoteca, 510 Center Avenue, Brownwood, Texas, January 8, 2010 5:00pm - 6:00 pm. Night photography lecture at 8:00 pm in the candle room. Noel and Bob will talk about their techniques. If you want to learn more about night photography and how to make better use of lighting and filters - be here. The show will hang in the wine bar and candle room through March. All Photographs will be for sale.

Robert Feuille known as Rob Fuel, is a photographer with no home but Texas. Born and raised in the desert town of El Paso, he has always been captivated by photography, but this fascination really took hold in high school. In college, Robert trained as a photojournalist, working primarily with 35mm black and white film and relying on an old manual Canon with a fussy light meter.
After graduation, Robert jumped into the world of copywriting and advertising, working on personal photo projects and freelance photography in his free time. These freelance projects soon turned into commercial commissions for advertising. Shooting mostly in the digital 35mm format, Robert has photographed yachts, TV personalities, church services, cheese, livestock, realty, cars, people, and much more.
Robert has always been fascinated with the abandoned and the forgotten. The mark that humanity leaves on a place and the way that nature works to reclaim the land is a haunting and beautiful thing. And while nothing can quite match the feeling of re-exploring that which has been left to itself for so long, Robert works hard to approximate it in his photos.
Robert calls Austin home, but currently resides in El Paso while undergoing treatment for testicular cancer. He and his wife Aimee are the proud of parents of two cute little girls and one baby boy. Rob's Website: http://robertfuel.com/

We'll let Noel Kerns introduce himself :
I'm a Dallas-based photographer specializing in capturing Texas’ ghost towns, decommissioned military installations, and industrial abandonments at night. My background is in large-format, black & white photography, which has proven to be a perfect launching pad into the art of photographing our world in darkness.
I find night photography to be an interesting and addictive dichotomy; the purity and natural beauty of photographing under a bright, full moon, and at the opposite end of the spectrum, the creativity and power of the virtual blank canvas that is laid before me as I "light paint" an interior scene.
One of the things I enjoy most about photographing under a full moon are all the latent details, those things which reveal themselves only when you take the time to let the moonlight tell the story. I love the general sense of calm and tranquility in a peaceful night scene, as well as the eerie feeling one can get when looking at a decaying old ghost town under a full moon.
Light-painting is all about vision, or more specifically, "pre-vision", the ability to imagine the scene and lighting you want to create in the darkness, and to execute it in such a way as to match or surpass that imagination. The execution itself is an exercise in patience and control, imagination and experimentation, all the while drawing on your experience from previous shots to recreate your vision. To me, it's fascinating.
So two entirely different kinds of images, but both born of the same desire to express the emotions and feelings one gets when exploring these old, forgotten places.
So what do I do when I'm not taking pictures of old abandoned places? You can usually find me entertaining around the DFW area as a singer & acoustic guitarist.
Photography website: www.noelkernsphotography.com
Music website: www.noelkerns.com